You know you have too much time on your hands when you make homemade crackers. They are really one of those things you just buy. For the labour and ingredients, it probably is cheaper, both in terms of cost of ingredients and time value, to just buy the stupid things, but I digress. It was neat to make them and they were pretty tasty! They were fast and easy. Alone, they are a bit bland, but they are great with cheese or with hummus or a dip. I would really like to try the other recipe for Cumin-Caraway Rounds, but didn't have rye flour on hand. I need to pick some up!
As for the recipe, I used dried parsley instead of fresh, because I didn't have any on hand. This was probably a mistake, because there wasn't quite enough moisture. I had to almost double the milk and oil to make them stick.
Source: Better Homes and Gardens, New Baking Book

- 1 c. all-purpose flour (I used whole wheat, next time I would do half and half)
- 1 tsp sage
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp pepper
- 3 tbsp milk (I had to almost double this... see above)
- 3 tbsp fresh parsley (I used dried, probably a mistake)
- 2 tbsp olive oil (Again, almost double this)
- 2 tbsp finely chopped green onion
- kosher salt
1. In a good processor, combine flour, sage, salt and pepper. Briefly process to combine. Add milk, parsley, oil and green onion. Cover and process until just combined. The dough will look crumbly, but should stick together in a ball.
2. Transfer dough to a lightly floured surface and flatten into a rectangle. Roll out until around 12x9 inches and 1/16 inch thick. Trim uneven edges and prick holes all over with a fork. Cut into rectangles, about 3 x 1 1/2 inches. Transfer to pan and sprinkle with salt.
3. Bake at 325 F for 18 to 20 minutes, or until crackers are starting to brown and firm to the touch. Cool on rack and store in ziplock container.